Believe in Yourself

When I was a little girl, I was very shy, very under confident. I was always way too conscious about myself. I never thought I'll be able to achieve anything in my life. My mind was always filled with self-doubt. You are never going to be good enough. You'll fail. You can't do it. This voice in my head taunted me whenever I used to set a goal for myself. 

I am talking about self-doubt today because I know how cruel it can be. What it can do to you. Sometimes this voice in your head consumes you so much that you see no point in even trying. This Self-doubt, it is greedy. When its loose, it devours your confidence, it strips logic and reason from your mind and steals happiness from your heart. And it gifts you with fear and insecurities. 

These fears and insecurities stop you from believing that you can achieve any dream that you have in mind. No one wants to fail, lose or feel inferior. But these feelings should not stand in the way of chasing your dreams. Its difficult to take risk without knowing whether or not the outcome will be successful, but thats where believing in yourself comes in the picture. In stressful situation like these, its easier to let self-doubt overshadow positivity. 

This picture here.. Its me! Now!
Confident Enough to do this
much posing for a picture :P
BUT my friends, Life is all about taking chances, taking risks and believing that you can achieve anything you set your mind to. You need to realize that you are greater than all of this. You are blessed with amazing abilities. There is nothing in this world that you can't achieve. You are worthy of all that you dream or hope for. Tell me one thing, If you don't believe in yourself then who else will? If you don't believe that you are going to accomplish something or succeed in life, then how on earth would anyone else do? You need to create that energy for yourself. You need to believe in yourself that you do have what it takes to reach that goal. And Only then the world will believe in you and respect you. 

And I know that These voices in your heads constantly tell you that No you can't do this, you are not made for this, don't aim too high. And you are letting these voices consume you and destroy you. I know that you want to silence these voices. I know you want to fight this fear. So start. Start now. Take baby steps. Start where you are. Start with your fear. Start with your pain. Start with your doubt. Start with your shaking hands. Start with your voice trembling but start. Start fighting this war inside you and don't stop. Don't stop till you change that I CAN'T to I CAN!!! And then you'll see how you are made for almost ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING. 


  1. Ahhh! I am shocked that how your life stories seems super similar to my life stories. From the school going shy and extremely less confident faiqa, to this faiqa who I'm today.... Alhamdulillah I'm always trying my best to overcome my fears. I would request you to pray for me as I'm trying my best to overcome my fears ❤

  2. Girl I just love you for this. You are now my fav blogger 😘

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