
Showing posts from May, 2018

Banana Bread

HEY! So on popular demand.. Here is the super easy recipe of the banana bread! ^_^ So all you need : 1/2 cup butter 1 cup sugar 3 beaten eggs 3 bananas, finely mashed (you can add more bananas for moistness) 1 and a half cup flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract Nuts (Optional) DIRECTIONS: Preheat oven to 180 degree Celsius  Mash the bananas finely Cream together butter and sugar Add the mashed bananas and beaten eggs Combine well In a separate bowl sift the Flour, baking soda and salt Now combine the dry ingredients with the creamed ingredients (But not at once) Mix until everything is beautifully combined! Add nuts as per your liking Pour the mixture into a greased pan/ dish! Whatever oven friendly thing you have! Bake for about 40 to 45 mins at 180 degree Celsius! VOILA! SUPER AWESOME BANANA BREAD IS READY!

Believe in Yourself

When I was a little girl, I was very shy, very under confident. I was always way too conscious about myself. I never thought I'll be able to achieve anything in my life. My mind was always filled with self-doubt. You are never going to be good enough. You'll fail. You can't do it. This voice in my head taunted me whenever I used to set a goal for myself.  I am talking about self-doubt today because I know how cruel it can be. What it can do to you. Sometimes this voice in your head consumes you so much that you see no point in even trying. This Self-doubt, it is greedy. When its loose, it devours your confidence, it strips logic and reason from your mind and steals happiness from your heart. And it gifts you with fear and insecurities.  These fears and insecurities stop you from believing that you can achieve any dream that you have in mind. No one wants to fail, lose or feel inferior. But these feelings should not stand in the way of chasing your dreams. Its d

Leaving Home..

One fine day, it'll be your turn. You will leave your home, your city or even your country. You will leave family, friends, possibilities, opportunities. All of this for a completely new life. Where everything is completely different. Good different and at times bad different. The new life has a new family awaiting, new friends, new possibilities, new opportunities. But that process, of leaving home is HUGE! Its Overwhelming. And you are never really Ready for it. You may be 18 or 28.. You'll never be ready.  My "One Fine Day" came back in January 2016. I got engaged. Right after that, everything was about pretty clothes and new shoes and gifts and Eids. Its pretty amazing tbh. You are getting the love and care of Two complete families. (PRETTY AMAZING) You enjoy every single thing about your life without thinking of the fact that you also have to get married one day. Its personally my favorite phase of any relationship. :D But One day THE DATE was finalized

Hey this is Your Blogger: Summaiya!

Hey Everyone! My Name is Summaiya Irfan.  I am 23 years old! My Father was an Army Officer so I don't really know where I am from, but finally we settled in Islamabad/Rawalpindi. By Education I am an Electrical Engineer. I completed my Electrical Engineering from NUST-SEECS in 2017. And yes it was the most difficult Bachelors ever!! Here is a Picture of my Convocation! Me with my Parents! What a super Proud I DID IT Moment :D I am Married to an Army Officer. But Honestly I never made the transition from being an Army Brat to being an Army Wife (Mentally)!! I am just not ready to grow up.. YET :D Currently me and My Husband live here in Bahawalpur (Which is a great city btw). Because of having a Fauji Dad, I do know what its like to move around all the time, leave our friends behind and meet new people. It was just too sad but I think I am actually excited about it this time. Why? Because this time I don't have to leave my best friend behind and be sad ove